Archive for December 2020
The UK keeps setting new records with wind power
The country's government wants to have every home powered by wind energy within a decade.
The online wildlife trade carries the risk of another pandemic
“We found no, or very few, people addressing the links between COVID-19 and the wildlife trade."
These plastic items kill whales, dolphins, turtles and seabirds
When animals eat plastic, it can block their digestive system, causing a long, slow death from starvation.
Tree-ring study finds heat rise trims lifespan of tropical trees
If tropical trees die earlier, it will affect how much carbon these forests can hold and raises concern over CO2 emissions offsets.
Camels in the Arabian Desert are dying of plastic waste
In Dubai alone hundreds of camels are known to have succumbed to plastic pollution.
More dams would devastate the ailing Mekong River
Once, not that long ago, the Mekong River in Southeast Asia was a formidable waterway, but it has been largely tamed.