Low Carbon Energy
Brown algae help us fight climate change
Brown algae suck up large amounts of carbon dioxide from the air each year.
Japan’s city of Aomori to try making electricity with snow
City officials, a local startup and University of Electro-Communications experts will run a winter pilot project to test their snow theory.
Climate action in Middle East is doomed to fail without reform and peace
Poor governance, corruption and conflict throughout MENA threaten to curb the impact of new climate funds.
Russian aggression must not derail Ukraine’s renewable energy journey
The war has battered Ukraine's energy infrastructure, but the country wants to transition to renewables just the same.
Electric vehicles are the future of green transportation
Electric vehicles are widely seen as an optimal solution to wean ourselves off fossil fuels in transportation.
ATES tech offers Germany key building emissions savings
KIT experts say 54% of Germany is suitable for ATES deployment, with a potential for 75% reduction in heating and cooling-related emissions.